Thales was born in Aydın city of Turkey.(BC.624-546)We learn from Aristotle the informations about his life.The book of metaphysics of Aristotales inform about history of philosophy.According to,Aristotle,he was first philosopher.Therefore,we accept him as first philosopher.He had a aristocrat family.He was interested in a wide variety of topics like mathematics,astronomy and natural philosophy.He was one of the seven sages of antic greece.He gained a reputation with thales theorem.Also,thales predict the solar eclipse.He refused the writings.He has not the written source.He visited Egypt and he improved the his geometric skills.Alright,why is thales first philosopher or scholar(scholar and philosopher was same in antic greece)?Babylon people found the eclipse or egypt people used the mathematics before thales.Why are not babylon people scholar?
The reason for this is very clear.Thales was different from both babylon and egypt people because he explained the their theorem without creator.He had thought about sky and oceanos independent from creator.Babylon and egypt people was thinking about natural events related creator.For example,flood and earthquake were punishment of god.In addition,they even believed the mathematic and astronomy as backing of god but thales said that we can know the natural events and we can take measure against them.Also,thales thought about arkhe.According to thales,the first form of matter was water.
As a result,thales was the one of the most important philosopher who grew in anatolia.Today, that wise man sleep in our homeland.

REFERENCES:Macit Gökberk,Felsefe Tarihi(2014)


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